Online Dating Conversation Starters That Will Surely Get Responses From Women


It’s really hard to impress women via texts and when it comes to online dating, the very first thing that plays an important role is the conversation starters. If you are still using regular lines like “hey what’s up, hey there”, I don’t think you gonna get responses from women. So, how does it work and what are the best conversation starters to impress women? Keep scrolling down to know about the conversation starters that will surely get responses from women.

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Here are the Online dating conversation starters That Will Surely Get You Responses From Women. Let’s take a look!

1. Consider their age

While texting a person, keep in mind that the age matters and your jokes may or may not be funny to women of different age group.

For women aged between 18 to 23, ask them funny or unique questions, for example, “were Ross and Rachel really on a break?”.And for women aged 23 and above, ask them straight questions. Example: “What’s your favorite mistake?”


2. Don’t forget to be funny

Women like to laugh and this is why they prefer spending time with a guy who can make them laugh and make her forget about her worries. Send her a funny GIF or a humorous message. Keep in mind that your question should be original and avoid copying it from google. Come up with something funny and humorous.

Example: Would you rather be a rabbit or with me for 24 hours?


3. Get to the point

If you are using an app like Tinder, you already know that the other person has interest in you. Keeping this in mind, throw your conversation starters wisely and there is nothing wrong with being little flirty.

Example: What workout do you do to get that amazing body?


4. Something from the 90’s

If her age is between 23-27, you can give some 90’s references and culture. It will make her feel nostalgic and remember the good old childhood days.

Example: Would you play Mario game with me?


5. Celebrity references

Conversation starters that reference celebrities have higher response rates.

Example: Do you think Selena and Justin gonna get married?


6. Include fantasy

Ask them something that they would like to experience and which is far away from reality.

Example: If Genie granted you three wishes, what would they be?


7. Smart questions

Questions that people would really like to answer.

Example: If you could delete one thing from this world, what would that be?


8. Give her compliments

Don’t forget to give her good compliments and let them know about their best features.

Example: Do you even know how pretty you look when you smile?


9. Don’t do the regular greeting

Words like ‘hi’, ‘hello’, ‘howdy’, have lower rates of getting the response from women. Do something of your own and show your creativity with a little bit of flirtiness in it.

Example: “How did you get so attractive?”


10. No grammar mistake

It’s all about the words and your sentences that will help her judge you before responding to your texts. Don’t ever try to commit any grammatical errors as it’s the biggest turn off in the world of online dating.


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11. Try to find the common interest

Stalk her online profiles and try to find out the movie/TV shows that she likes. You can start your conversations based on the Tv shows she likes.

Example: “Do you think Jaime will kill Cersei in season 8?


12. Questions related to traveling

We all love visiting new places and exploring new places is one of the most common things people wanna do before they die. Ask them where they wanna go and what places are on their bucket list.

Example: If you could take a vacation anywhere, where would you go?


Well, all these dating questions and the responses really depend on the mood of the receiver. But these dating conversation starters have high response rate and women do love answering these questions. Once you get a reply from here, it’s your job to keep the conversation engaging.

Source : sarcasm


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