12 Yoga Poses to Reduce PMS


PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome can be very painful for women. The abdominal cramps, bloating, mood swings all are a part of it. Some women even go for pills to get relieve from the problem of PMS. But medicines come with side effects. Instead try out these super effective yoga poses.

12 Yoga Poses to Reduce PMS.

1. Matsyasana Or Fish Pose.


This is among the easiest yoga poses. What it does is relaxes the abdominal muscles, stretches the hip muscles, relieves the tension in neck, throat, and shoulder.

2. Vajrasana Or Thunderbolt.


It is effective in increasing blood circulation, which reduces anxiety and depression.

3. Setu Bandasana Or Bridge Pose.


This is one of the yoga poses which is highly effective during PMS. Along with relieving PMS symptoms, this is great for stress, headache, depression, tired leg muscles and improving blood circulation.

4. Balasana Or Child’s Pose.


When you are PMS-ing, you tend to get strains everywhere mainly on hips and thighs. This yoga is best to get rid of those.

5. Ardha Matsyendrasana Or Half Lord Of The Fishes Pose


The PMSing times are best known for giving unbearable abdominal cramps, and this is one of the yoga poses which is the ultimate soother.

6. Padahastasana Or Standing Forward Bend.


All the emotional imbalance women go through during PMS-ing, like depression, anxiety and tension can be relieved by this yoga. This is one of the poses which acts from top to bottom, relaxing the muscles in all required areas.

7. Bidalasana Or Cat Pose.


This is too effective in relaxing the back muscles, specially the spine. Along with that it helps in digestion and clear stomach.

8. Bhujangasana Or Modified Cobra Pose.


This pose is not very easy to achieve. It requires a lot of abdominal and back strength. And you might not get it perfect the first time, but stay with it and you’ll do it. It helps in relaxing the neck and back muscles.

9. Baddha Konasana Or Butterfly Pose


This yoga is like all in one. It has a lot of benefits, starting from improving the reproductive system in both men and women. But that’s not it. It also stimulates the prostate gland, abdominal organs, bladder, and kidneys. It cures PMSing problems like it never existed.

10. Ushtrasana Or Camel Pose.


The camel pose multiples your flexibility, increases chest size, provides strength to neck and abdomen. Try this yoga for a month and you can realise the relief it gives for PMS symptoms.

11. Makarasana Or Crocodile Pose.


It is the easiest to do. If you have an indigestion or constipation problem, Makarasana is the best remedy.

12. Pavanamuktasana or Wind Relieving pose.


It pacifies the blood circulation in the body evenly. Making you feel energetic.

Source : Sarcasm


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